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*Christmas Opening TimesĀ – We are closed on 22nd December and open again on the 2nd January.

Squirrel Pest Control in Birmingham


Grey squirrels have been present in England since their introduction between 1876 and 1929 and can now be found throughout all of the UK. On average, they give birth to 3 babies each time, become mature within 10-12 months and live for around 2 years. Squirrels are both granivores and omnivores, which means they consume a variety of foods including acorns, tree shoots, flowers, fruit and cereals. Squirrels have a tendency to make their nests in the walls and lofts of houses. If you hear scratching or rustling noises, smell urine, or spot other squirrels in your garden, these could be signs of a squirrel infestation.
Squirrel Pest Control in Birmingham
Squirrel Pest Control in Birmingham


According to reports, squirrels cause more than 300 house fires annually. They cause significant property damage while attempting to enter, and once inside, they often chew through your electrical wiring and occasionally water pipes, causing further chaos. You will often realize that you have squirrels in your loft due to the excessive noise they make. Although squirrels may appear adorable when they are at the bottom of your garden, encountering them in your attic can be dangerous and challenging, particularly if they have offspring with them. These animals can be fiercely aggressive, and their sharp teeth and claws can cause significant harm to you.


Professionals advise against trying to remove squirrels by yourself. If you attempt it, you risk getting scratched or bitten by the animal. This could result in you contracting diseases like Lymes Disease, Leptospirosis, and Salmonellosis.

If you plan to use traps to deal with your squirrel problem, make sure that the traps you use are approved under the Spring Traps Approval Order 2018. Additionally, be aware that it is against the law, under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, to release a grey squirrel or let one escape back into the wild. Therefore, you must safely and humanely dispatch any squirrels that you catch.


We use professional pest control, traps to get rid of your infestation. Additionally, we utilise high-tech trapping techniques that notify us remotely when a trap is triggered. This saves us from making unnecessary visits and allows us to remove any dead squirrels promptly, preventing any unpleasant smells or insects. Overall, this improves the efficiency of our services.

Simply contact The Pest Master today to discuss effective Squirrel pest control throughout Birmingham.


We carry out full inspections of your home or business to establish your pest control needs..


Let us assess your pest proofing needs to prevent the reemergence of pests in the future.


We always comply with the law, employing the safest and most humane methods possible.


Protecting your business or your home with our integrated pest management services.

Need Help With Squirrels? Call Our Experts Now For A Pest Inspection.